Trying to Get Back to It
Long story short, things are shitty right now. I’ve got a sinus infection and an abscessed tooth. Also, we haven’t figured out what to do about the basement yet and we’ve had to shut all the windows and turn the A/C on. The smell is getting to me so bad that’s it’s causing me to have migraines. Did you know that migraines make you extra sensitive to light and also smell. I have found a temporary solution for the smell though. I shut both my outer doors and spray some Febreze Air in my rooms. It works great and it’s the only air freshener that Aayla wasn’t allergic to (everything else made her cough and gag). Abbey doesn’t seem to mind it either. It’s water-based rather than an aerosol so that’s great too. As for the sinus infection and tooth, my doctor gave me antibiotics but no pain killers. So I’ll be in serious pain until the antibiotics finally work and clear this up. Oh, and also after I get a dentist appointment to fix my tooth. My dentist is so busy that it could take months to get this taken care of. So yeah, I’m feeling just great.
Ever since it was released, I’ve been obsessively playing Jedi: Survivor almost non-stop. This has prevented me from doing… anything else at all. This has happened before. I remember being obsessed with the three Mass Effect games for two or three months non-stop back in 2012. Here’s hoping that my attempts to now divert myself away from this obsession work. It must be related to my bipolar how I get focused on one thing and then can only do that one thing for a while and nothing else. Regardless, it’s a problem that I’m trying to work on. I started up Mass Effect Andromeda yesterday to get me off playing Jedi and my hope is once I get bored of playing that game again (although it is a fantastic game and one of my all-time favorites) I’ll be able to move on to doing something else. I do still plan on writing another game review of Jedi: Survivor this time with story spoilers. (Here is my non-spoiler review that I posted last month.)
At the moment, I’m trying to get back into working on my art. I did manage to make a new Star Wars fan art test render of Merrin the Nightsister… from the Jedi: Fallen Order game which I also love nearly as much as I do its sequel. I’m just in a Star Wars mood, I guess. The test render that I created can be seen at left. No postwork on it, it’s a raw render, rendered in Poser 13 Superfly. I think it turned out well. I have also been working on a test render of a young Ahsoka. I’ll post that below this text box. The Ahsoka test render was also created in Poser 13 with Superfly but I did some postwork on it including adding an extra glow to the lightsabers. Once I do a few more test renders, I’ll look through my “Notebook of Ideas” and see if any of the sketched ideas in it appeal to me enough to create them.
I’ve got a lot of people waiting for me to get back to creating mods for the Sims 4. I will get back to it. I just don’t know exactly when. I heard a rumor that the next pack to come out will bring horses to the game. If true, I’ll definitely come back for that ASAP! If I can’t find an idea for an artwork to create, maybe I’ll open up the Sims 4 game and see about getting back into it sooner rather than later.
Remember all those things I said I needed to get done in my previous blog entry? Well, I haven’t done any of them yet. I still need to take photos of and sell Jojo’s cage and play gym. I also need to go through some extra Funko Pops that still need to be sold. I still have a stack of framed prints that I need to hang on my office walls (to cover up where the Pop shelves used to be). Oh, I need to vacuum at least my office yet again because I’ve noticed that Abbey keeps finding little pieces of who knows what to put in her mouth and for me to pull out of her mouth. LOL I may try to work on some of this stuff later today once everyone wakes up. It’s currently a little after 5AM so it would be best not to do anything noisy like hanging prints or vacuuming.

Damn my head hurts so much that it’s hard to concentrate on anything. I’ve had to take several breaks while trying to type this blog entry. Writing shit usually helps me focus and relax but it’s not working like that right now. It is however very relaxing to watch Abbey play. At the moment she is working on a “busy bone” trying to chew it and play with it at the same time. It’s so cute how she plays. She loves to pounce on things in a playful way… including me. If I don’t wake up when she’s ready to get out of bed, she pounces on my face and neck until I wake up. It’s cute but can be a bit painful if her toenails connect/scratch me.
That’s enough for now. I need to try to work on… something. Not sure what yet but something other than what I’ve been doing.