A Random Update
Just a random update on what is going on at the moment. Dad has been in the hospital, and I have started my annual spring-cleaning among other things.
The Year is Ending
The year is almost over and I’m finally getting back to doing art after realizing I’ve barely done anything creative this year.
Trying to Get Back to It
An update on what’s been going on this past month (it’s mostly been shitty). There are a few bright spots though, I guess.
A Little About Everything
How is everyone and everything at this moment? I’ll try to get things up to date with this little status report.

Vera Rigby Chronicles
In this addition to my Archive of Old I bring you a spy story I created in 2009 but never finished. Here you can see all that was ever created for this story.

Adventures of Cate Kroft
Another ancient attempt at an online graphic novel/online comic. Here we have the Adventures of Cate Kroft from 2007 – 2008. You can now download all of her completed adventures from this post.

Echoes of Darkness
Back by popular demand, here is my 2010 graphic novel, Echoes of Darkness, which is an original fan fiction story based on the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games and is a sequel to my Across the Universe graphic novel.

Across the Universe
After many requests, I have posted my very first graphic novel from 2008 titled Across the Universe. It is an original fan fiction continuation story of the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games illustrated with 3D models.

Star Trek Nautilus
Part of my Archive of Old Project: This is my 2007 online comic that is a Star Trek parody. Find out more about it and download the first and only episode “Tribble Troubles”.